Founded in 1999 (was Sammamish Chinese Academy before 2012), we offer Mandarin Chinese programs (include conversation, Singapore math, Olympiad math, English Writing class, Robotic Class, Art classes, an after-school program, and an all-summer program for children ages 4 and up. Our Mandarin Chinese program contains many different levels suited for each child’s needs. They stretch from pre-kindergarten to high school. We limit the size of all classes to under 15 students, in order that each student has more time to interact with his/her teacher.
中文: 我校的中文教学,以调动,开发和提高学生的中文学习兴趣及积极性为教学宗旨,教学内容侧重基础知识的积累和培养;教学方法采用师生互动,学生间互动,并用游戏,讲故事等丰富多样的教学方式调动和提高学生的学习兴趣。我们的老师,都具有各类教师资格或经历,经验丰富,责任心强,并与时俱进,不断通过各种途径充实和提高教学水平及积累教学经验。 Chinese Language: The Chinese teaching in our school aims to arouse and develop students’ interest and enthusiasm in Chinese language learning. …
新加坡数学:这套数学教材系统,全面地演绎了小学数学从简到繁的数学概念, 是多年来很多家庭学校 ,私立及公立学校积极推荐和采用的教材。我们学校提供周三和周六两节新加坡数学课,由资深的老师授课,并有优秀的高中学生在班里帮助学生答疑解惑,完成作业。 Singapore Mathematics: This set of mathematics textbooks comprehensively demonstrates the concepts of mathematics from simple to complex in primary school.…
奥林匹克数学:由多次参加奥数竞赛并取得很好成绩的高中学生授课,主要目的是带领三年级以上学生站在最基本数学工具的视角探索更贴近生活的数学,并因为奥数本身的魅力,引导学生增强兴趣,培养和激发学生们的思维与解决复杂问题的能力。 Olympic Math: It is taught by high school students who have participated in the Math Olympiad Contest and achieved good results. The…
英文写作和演讲:由具有多年教学经验的资深又有责任心的英文老师授课,设计为一小时授课,半小时作业指导和修改的教学模式。经过几个单元的学习,学生们对英文写作的基本知识,技巧和技能有了显著提高,不少学生并由此喜欢上英文写作与演讲。 English Writing and Lecture: taught by a senior and responsible English teacher with many years of teaching experience. The class teaching method…
美术:自从Ms. Judy十四年前开始在我校教授美术课开始,就受到很多学生和家长的喜爱。她的美术教学特点是为学生提供尽可能多的艺术和美术体验,开阔视野,启发想象,大胆尝试,比如:纸浆塑,粉彩画等,这些都是到美术院校后开始修的课。为此Judy老师每次上课都会装卸大量的教学用品,课后还有很多清理工作,增加了工作量,但给学生创造了很多发挥和想象的空间和机会,增添多种实际体验,从而给学生今后在学校里做各种课题所需的美术知识奠定了基础。 Art: Since Ms. Judy began teaching art classes at our school fourteen years ago, she has been loved by many students…
课后班:我校于2010年开始增办课后班,我们的老师负责把各个学校参加我们课后班的学生分别接到我校所在地。为了使学生从他们的普通学校放学后到回家前有事做,除了有针对所有年级学生的乒乓球课,每天都有给二年级及以下的学生开设的快乐学中文课,一周有两次中文唱歌课,有给高年级学生(三年级以上)开设的英文写作课,奥数课,机器人课,AP中文课,AMC8数学课等。 After-school Classes: Our school began to run after-school classes in 2010. Our teachers are responsible for receiving students from each school to…
暑期班:我校从2000年开始开办暑期班,至今已历时二十年。我们的暑期班侧重利用暑期强化学生对中文和数学知识的理解和运用,并通过折纸,读书会,拼图和Lego等游戏培养学生们的手脑协调,团队合作,求知进取的能力和精神。另外,我们每周都会分别安排带学生外出看电影,去公园,采摘水果等丰富多彩的校外活动。 Summer Class: Our school started its summer class in 2000 and has lasted for 20 years. Our summer class focuses on students'…
Our Services
We offer a wide range of care services to help you and your kids better manage the time
Quality after-school care is offered Monday through Friday during the entire school year on regular school days, early release days, and most no-school…